Friday, January 4, 2008


I love music.
I love my friends.
I love to learn new things.
I love long hair, on girls and guys.
I love musicians.
I love my mom.
I love my brothers, and my sister.
I love my family.
I love to watch shows that I was in love with in like second grade, on YouTube!
I love to play cards.
I love to write.
I love discovering new music, and rediscovering old music.
I love to play in the rain.
I love to laugh.
I love walking around outside.
I love my friend's families.
I love watching good movies.
I love water.

I believe in God.
I believe in being nice to people, regardless.
I believe in appreciating life.
I believe in acceptance.
I believe in helping people.
I believe there's more to life than everyone sees.

I think Jim Morrison and David Gilmour are a few of the hottest musicians ever.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an amazing actor and incredibly foxy. Watch the movie Brick.

Think of others before yourself. You will be happier, I promise.